Scents are one of life’s little gifts to us. They can evoke memories and feelings long forgotten in an instant and they can change our mood dramatically in the same amount of time. A great scent can uplift us, alter our wellbeing in that moment, change our perception and create home ambiance. Scent is a therefore a powerful tool.

As a brand, our scents are a huge part of what we do. From the very beginning of the process, we have scent as a fundamental priority in formulating our products based on the way scent has affected us and our lives. Forever fragrance lovers, Colt & Willow scents will transform the way you clean and how you feel about doing it…


How important was the fragrance element of the products when starting Colt & Willow?

Annie: “One of the main reasons I started looking into making my own cleaning products in the beginning was because I wanted mine to have beautiful scents. I’m not a big fan of the artificial lemon scents that you find in most supermarket brands, it’s too harsh and not appealing in any way. I love essential oils and I’m passionate about their benefits on wellbeing and health. Even before Colt & Willow I used essential oils in baths, on pillows and around the home to create the environment and ambiance I wanted, naturally. Scents have a huge impact on us, so the right ones for you and your home are very important.”


What scents do you enjoy having around your home?

Annie: “I love Orange, Lavender, Geranium and Rose. We just purchased a  a lovely Neals Yard diffuser and have these scents in the air to make the house feel calmer. We also love rosemary for its ability to help uplift the mind.” 


Are you a scent fan in general? How many bottles of perfume would we find on your dressing table and how many scented candles would we find in your home?

Annie: “ When it comes to perfumes, not many! I loved perfume when I was younger but nowadays I find it too much to cope with on myself. I do love a scented candle though and especially in winter one of my top favourites is The White Company Winter Candle with Orange and Cinnamon – it’s the best combination, making the house feel cosy, warm and so festive for Christmas.”


Where do you draw your fragrance inspiration for the products from?

Annie: “Always from nature. There’s so many beautiful and uplifting scents all around us that we enjoy momentarily and then forget. For example brushing past a Lavender bush or crushing a Eucalyptus leaf in your hand – the scents that nature gives us are amazing. The Roses in my mum’s garden have always been wonderful to smell and I loved the way their scent made me feel too.”


Have any specific memories or experiences contributed to the scent of a particular Colt & Willow product?

Annie: “There’s a memory I have when I was cleaning my daughters high chair. She was 6 months old and there was food splattered everywhere. I made my own cleaning spray at the time with geranium in it. It bought about a sense of calm to the otherwise crazy feeding times with a busy baby and I felt totally safe knowing she wasn’t breathing in anything that could hurt her. And it’s that which has inspired the Geranium in our Geranium Leaf All Purpose Cleaner.”

Which Colt & Willow product scent is your favourite and why?

Annie: “I have a soft spot for the Geranium Leaf All Purpose Cleaner. When I was tinkering with scents in the production stages, it was the first one that I was certain of. Even now, when I use it at home and walk back in to the room, I still love that scent.”


What was the fragrance part of the product manufacturing process like?

Annie: “For us, it was really simple because I already had a strong vision of the essential oils we wanted to use and the scents we wanted the products to have. Practically though it was really interesting to add the fragrances to the other ingredients because they’re added to the components of the formula and left to sit for 2 weeks to see if it effects the stability of the product. You then test it out to make sure everything smells good. Such an interesting ‘science-experiment’ part of the process!”


Do you have any ideas about scent blends you would aim to achieve for future Colt & Willow products?

Annie: “We would like to work orange blossom into our range very soon!”


Shop our beautifully scented range of plant-based cleaning products here for a top level clean with a natural fragrance you’ll love

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